13 juin 2007

Un petit jardin d'Eden

So I left from Marseille hihi !! finally !!! I m finally gooooooooneee !!!!
well Here is a super place cause it s calm quite and you can relax as well as have a lot of fun :D I haven't dive in the swimming pool yet cause today is raining a bit and we ve got to make the water warmer first !! anyway !!! I brought all my stuffs with my bro's car.. ahah the driving part was fun cause well it took nearly 6h30 to get there but on our way we encountered a small problem.... yeah cause in order to eat we stopped at a rest area... but as it was getting very hot there we just decided to move the car and to park it somewhere else.... but the crappy car didn't want to get started again !!!!! the fuckkkk !! so we just remained calm a bit... well my bro was calm.. I was a bit nervous loool but anyway was fun !! he just finished to eat his sandwitch and then checked the car again.. but this time it worked !!!!!! so we just decided to never stop the car again until we get at my grandma's place !! ahahah so we were just dead arriving there in the evening !!! but it was fun !! we had a good night of sleep, but today compare to yesterday is not that hot and it s kinda cloudy outside.. but the sun will come out later in the day for sure !!!!

This morning I tried something....

Well I tried to pump up the wheels of my bike.... buuuuuuut !!! even if I used a great bycicle pump well one of my wheel has a hole.. ahaha so I ve got to have it repaired jeeez !! Yes cause I need my bike to go to work !!! I will start soon I have to meet my employers this week !!!
Oh and as you can probably notice on that picture .. humm my hair is growing... and well it's quite hard for me to stand it.. I don't know what I'm gonna do but I guess I should have it cut pretty soon aahah yes cause it s gonna be pretty hot around here and long hair is not really convenient... well I don't know anyway.. I m still hesitating.. but I m much more in the mood to have it cut !! LOL !!

Just to put an end to that crappy post a picture of my brother in the Netherlands where he spent some times last week end.. He meet MR Mask !! ahahah I like that picture !!

Okay so I ll go on posting here and I ll try to update my pictures' website as often as I possibly can.. !!!
See ya guys and take care !!
Ja néééééééééééé

3 commentaires:

Anonyme a dit…

Ca en fait des aventures ! T'as pas de chances toi décidemment avec les bagnoles ! lol !
En tout cas tu es bien arrivé et tu vas bientôt profiter (et bosser ! haha !).
Ah vi tu as de bôôô cheveux mi-long ^^ lol ! Je crois que je dois aussi être en mesure de les attacher comme ça maintenant, faut juste que j'achète un elastique sympa ^^

Gros bisous et profitez bien (avant le boulot quoi ! lol !)

Anonyme a dit…

he bin, yoi et les voitures... tu portes la poisse ;)
finalement elle t'a rappelé la dame?
pour moi ça y est, c'est enfin les vances !!!!! pour 1,5 semaine :( après boulot :(
bye bye

~Ghost~ a dit…

mon dieu hier apres midi il a fait un temps splendide et super chaud comparé au matin... je suis restée dans la piscine toute l apres midi ahahah j ai roti comme un steack haché et j ai pris des coups de soleil partout ahahah !!! mon dieu !!! bon l opération bronzage s est enclenchée mouhahahaha oui et pour les cheveux ben je me tate lol profite de tes vacs stef et francois du japon