17 mai 2007

I know... I'm a freak...

Well when people ask you " what' s ur favorite animal?" a lot simply answer "dogs, cats, rabbits, horses, wolves and so on" well for me it s totally different.. before telling u what is the animal that I adore like crazy I m gonna tell u a trivial story but kinda funny... well during the first year I spent at the university in France, I was meeting a lot of American, British or Irish people.. so I could, at once, start to put to practice my soooooo miserable English of that time :D ! The funny story concerns a discusion around a drink in a pub located in the center of Aix en provence. Well I was with Liam, an American guy, pretty hot if I well remember :D, he was coming from New jersey and was quite happy to be here in south of France cause he was just in love with our country. He was not that good in French language but he knew so many things about french history, politics, enviromment issues, new technologies and so on, he was simply amazing and very interesting to listen to. So We just wanted to get to know each other that's why we decided to have a drink somewhere. A friend of mine very good in English, almost fluent at that time came with me just to help me to understand everything corretcly, and to get to know him as well of course ( a challenger? lol ). We ordered our drinks ( I don't remember what I took but I m pretty sure i took a Cherry Tasted Beer ( Kriek la Bécasse lol) we talked and talked and sometimes we were just asking stupid questions just to know some general things you know.. and that question came up... " What kind of animals do you like?" well I was like okay it s easy to answer that in english lol so i m gonna try to talk a bit more than usual lol !! so i answered " well i like dogs, cats, wolves, and humm i don't know there are so many animals I like... i love CAMELS too..." and that the word i shouldn't have said ahahahah because Liam was like " oh really that's not really the kind of animal I was expecting you to talk about... why do you like it??" ahahaha and with my wonderful English i answered " i dunno maybe because i guess it might be exciting to sit between the 2 BOOBS.........................................." that's my big mistake.... ahahaha i wanted to say BUMPS of course !!!! everybody knows that boobs means the breast of women.... ahahhahaha and that's the funny part cause Liam just started to burst out laughing looking at my friend and sayint to her " I m pretty sure Céline is totally liking kinky sex !!!!!" ahahahahwell i didn't know what kinky meant so i asked my friend to explain me ... she did.... and then i felt soooooooooooo ashame !!!! ahhahaha i was like "THIS IS SO NOT WHAT I MEANT !!!! I MEANT BUMPS BUMPS BUMPS FOR GOD S SAKE!!!!!! AHAH
well that was a very funny moment !! after that i was feeling a bit embarassed everytime i was meeting him at the uni or somewhere else.... he was calling me kinky hottie........... thanks god I was not meeting him so often.. jeeeeeeeeeeeeezzzzzz !!! I don't know where he is right now i guess he is back to the US loool but I will remember that all my life ahahaha even if for you it doesn't seem very funny well it was for me !!!!

Anywayyyyyyyyyyyyyyy !!! After that short story well I must admit that I didn't really answer at the question, mostly because i didn't master in english at that time so i had a lack of vocabulary.

The truth is that my favorite animal is a bit particular... it is not a mammal... it is not a bird... yes it is a fish.... the CARCHARODON CARCHARIAS !!!!! well this is the scientific name i guess you will understand if I would say the Great White Shark !! I m definitely a Shark FREAK !!!!

Now you now this is my favorite animal !! One of my biggest dream is to go to Seal Island or Dyer Island and to be put in a shark cage with one of them around !! oohh jeeeezzzz it would be like having an orgazm loooool for me of course... ahahaha !!

You remember during the second year at the university we have got an oral exam in English and we have to make a speech of 5 minutes about any topic... well that was my topic :D ahaha and i got a great mark :D I was a bit proud of myself.. oups swelled head..?? ahaha

I dunno why i love that beast.. I guess everything started with watching "Jaws" of steven spielberg which shows the white shark as a human eater.... but unlike many people I was not considering the shark as a monster or something creepy.. but I just fall for him.. :D its scary and amazing at the same time.. that's exactly what I like... i precise.. for in that case LOL ;)

I wish I could come back to prehistoric time cause the ancestor of the white shark was called "Carcharodon Megalodon " and it was exactly the same but way bigger... like maybe 15 meters long... let's compare.. nowadays the white shark size in average is like 5 or 6 meters long.. only... ooo godddd i wish those megalodons could still live... maybe in the deep sea who knows about it.. there are so many creatures we ve never seen yet...like giant squids.. or the giant gulper eels (Grandgousier in french).. I m just veeeeery interested in all those kind of abyssal creatures... I read a lot on the internet about that..

Let me show you the size of a teeth belonging to a carcharodon Megalodon ( sort a giant white shark)

Kinda creepy huh? just try to imagine the real size of the beast.... OHHHHH JEEEZZZ wanna see that with my own eyes... I know... I m a daydreamer and so what??? loool

Well I guess you got how much I love the white shark !! I plan to go to south africa someday and to pay for going in a white shark cage ! I want to do that and i will !! this is my second dream after the one of going back to japan !!! it s possible right ? ahahah !! well of course i have a lot of other dreams like to get marry with someone rich and to make him died of a heart attack and then live keep all the money, or to win the loto and to be famous and stuff ahahahah but those dreams are not really possible.. i have one chance out of one million .. but my first to dream can come true :D

that's it for today.. I watched a documentary called "Ushuaia" yesterday and it was about the white shark that's why i wanted to write about it :D

And afterall a white shark is like a dog... it is faithfull to his master... it follows you everywhere.. as you can see on the picture :D
I wish I could be the one in the kayak... "sigh..."

I have to get back to work .. exams are coming soon..... "sigh sigh sigh sigh SIGH zzzZZZZZZ...."

3 commentaires:

Anonyme a dit…

quel discour passioné dis donc!!Oo
Ecris ton testament avant d'aller dans la cage (ne m'oublie pas, surtout si t'as réalisé un de tes autres rêves ;) )
Le requin blanc.... c'est quasiment comme un dauphin loool, moi pour ma part j'aime pas les poissons, tous les poissons!! (à part à manger, et encore, ça dépend comment (suuuussshhhhiiii!!!)
Moi, un de ces jours j'irai en lozère voir les loups à st lucie :D moins cher que d'aller voir des requins ;) Je pense d'ailleurs y aller cette année, soit en hiver (mais la route est peut être pas chouette chouette à cause de la neige), soit à la fin de l'hiver (ils auront encore le beau pellage) soit début été (louveteau !!!)

Anonyme a dit…

Tu vas rire : ce matin je me suis levé spécialement pour voir Shark Tale à la Tv ("Gang de requin" pour ceux qui sont allergiques aux titres anglois ;) ) que j'avais pas encore pu voir, et toi tu écris cet article... Ya une liaison psychique j'te le dis moi, et on en a la preuve tous les jours (enfin, presque... lol !).

Kisses ! (et thanks pour le coup de fil, j'était content de te causer un peu :) ).

~Ghost~ a dit…

ahah trop fort ! hey stef ca doit etre cool d aller voir les loups la bas, jaime bien les loups aussi !!
françois il est bien ce film ! y en a un qui est en cours de tournage qui s'appelle "Meg" pour "megalodon" lol et ca va etre l histoire du requin prehistoric qui revient je crois que le film sors en 2008 tu peux voir la bande annonce sur youtube en cherchant meg !! il va dechirer ce film je t'attend trop aaaaaaaaa moi aussi j etais contente de t'avoir au tel :D bisous bisous