9 avril 2007

Nostalgic day....

Well.. I feel kinda nostalgic today.. and I wanted to post in english.. just a bit anyway.. well yesterday I had a walk along the "Corniche" in Marseille... I just wanted to walk around.. I think I stayed there almost 2 hours.. it was nice.. the weather was beautiful and not so many people were there.. dunno why.. so I just enjoyed the sight of that deep blue sea... it is so beautiful.. and it is so relaxing just doing nothing but sitting somewhere admiring the landscape, breathing in and out a pure air.. I forgot how that mediterrean sea could be so intoxicating.. almost dizzying... well I got down some stairs on my way and laid on the rocks to be as close as possible of the cold water but with the sun shining over me... It felt sooo goood and no one was around cause it was in a small and quiet creek!! As I said in french it was "orgasmic" LoL!! you got the picture , right? :DI should have brought my bikini to get tanned a bit ;)
well anyway it was a nice day yesterday.. today is good as well but I feel nostalgic.. it is Easter.. let's enjoy chocolates... I m not fond of chocolates... I still haven't get any answer from the Japanese authorities yet .. concerning the JET program of course.. I m still praying.. wondering if it's gonna be okay for me... sometime I'm very confident and some other time I m very doubtful... I should receive the answer next week.. well I hope so anyway.. the most difficult is to wait.. that word is terrible.. just wait... but what else can I do..?
Plus, I got the date of my final exams.. it will occur on the 23rd and 24th of May.. so it mean I gotta have to book train tickets and a hostel room for 3 days... Cause yeah I failed to mention that I will have my exams in Dijon .... which is not that close to Marseille.. unfortunately...
Anyway.. I ll do my best to pass them in good condition..

I had a dream last night... It was so real... I still cannot believe it... Cause of that dream I feel rather confused and disturbed today... like it really happened ya know? It s the kind of dream u think all day long because u can't help yourself wondering why you dreamt that.. and why it felt so real... Cause in my dream I was feeling everything.. The thing is when I woke up I was like.. the fuck what am I doing here u know.. it s such a weird feeling.. You certainly wanna know what kind of dream I had, huh?... I cannot really tell about it.. cause it s more or less a personnal dream involving some people I know of course.. but I feel so confused right now 'bout that and I keep telling myself that it was just a dream... that's my point actually.. I would like to ask you guys if you think that a dream can alter your point of view above some stuffs in particular.. I mean do you think that dreams are some kind of signs sometimes?? like .. hum I dunno like humm not like premonitory dreams but just signs of something that might happen in the futur.. it can concern any field of life.. like your job, your family, your lover... anything.. do you think that..??

Well anyway I think I might have a walk again today and then I ll go over my friend's place.. so enjoy Easter holidays.. take care and humm don't pay attention to my stupid emotionnal side LoL!!

PS: Solo, I will send you the translation of the song of Tina in a private mail ;) Hugs xXx

5 commentaires:

Anonyme a dit…

Well, your message was very.... sad, I think.
For me, dreams are not like you've said, it's just your brain which re organize the informations recorded during the day. (my scientific side is speaking right now ;) )
Of course it may influence your way of thinking because dreams can seem real, so you think about it over and over, all the day. And you say "what a nonsense! the life" The worst is when you dream about the death of someone....
Eat chocolate, don't think too long about it, and enjoy that stupid and useless thing named the life.

Solo a dit…

I believe in dreams and u i think know that:)) I believe also that they can change a lot- the way u see some ppl , the way u have thought about smtg.. I believe in our dreams we dont have the borders which we have in real life and thats why there all can happen :))) Spring is a season which makes as think a lot :) and about everything...job,family,friends... sometimes its a good thinking..sometimes its nostalgic or depressing ... u are in a place wher summer comes faster so u r lucky ...

Solo a dit…

forgot...dont send me mail son the km.ru mail ;)

~Ghost~ a dit…

so where should i send you the mail on the msn mail??? thanx for your answer about the dreams anyway

Solo a dit…
