8 octobre 2005

It's me again !! so the classes has started and I can tell you this is very difficult for me !! lol cause in grammar and kanjis am not that bad but when it comes to the talking part... well i suck I just say "anoooooooooo" all the time and i get frustrated when japanese people talk to me and when i cannot answer ouinnnnn !!! but I will make it and i m sure it will be ok !!
the campus of ichigaya is kinda small compare to yotsuya ! but i prefer small place so i cannot get lost !!
I had 3 tests already !! and it s gonna be like that all year long !! youpi !! thanx god this is the week end and monday is a day off the i have 3 days of rest ! I may go to kamakura and to Aooyama but that' s not sure yet !! all I know is that today a m gonna sleep like a log ahah plus it's raining so i d better stay home !! my dormitory is cool but i can t see very often my mates cause they have school as well and arubaito !!
well anyway that's it for today !!

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