24 octobre 2005

Hello guys !! it s been a long time since i haven't post a message !! i guess this one will be shortcause i leave for the university in like 10 minutes!!! so the most horrible things happened to me !! I lost my wallet !!!! well actually i didn't lose it but i think someone stole it in the crowded train !! cause i used to put it in the back pocket of my bag... well i thought in japan there were no robbers i was wrong... well in my wallet there were my student card my credit card my cash crad my alien car plenty of photos and something like 20 euros !! well i lost everything !! thanx god my passeport was home so i m able to apply for new acrds again !! but it s really big shit !! I felt very bad about that but now i m okay !! cause all the people around me were very kind and they al cheered me up !! so now is ok
Yesterday i have been to Ueno Zoo with my friend Yoko !! we had great time especially when we saw some kind of bird which looked like oobasan ajhahah it was really funny !!! well anyway i saw for the very first time in my life a white bear and pinguoin !!! ahaha i love pinguoin !!! I also saw a panda !!! sooo cuuuuuteee !! and i bought some kind of panda shaped key ring ahah !!! and i hang it on my mobile phone so i m becoming completely japanese cause all japanese have a lot of strapes on it haha !!!
ok i should go to the university !! but i just want to had that late of this week i will post photos of japan on my other website so just check it out !!!
ok i ll see you gyus later !!! bye byeeee :-D

8 octobre 2005

It's me again !! so the classes has started and I can tell you this is very difficult for me !! lol cause in grammar and kanjis am not that bad but when it comes to the talking part... well i suck I just say "anoooooooooo" all the time and i get frustrated when japanese people talk to me and when i cannot answer ouinnnnn !!! but I will make it and i m sure it will be ok !!
the campus of ichigaya is kinda small compare to yotsuya ! but i prefer small place so i cannot get lost !!
I had 3 tests already !! and it s gonna be like that all year long !! youpi !! thanx god this is the week end and monday is a day off the i have 3 days of rest ! I may go to kamakura and to Aooyama but that' s not sure yet !! all I know is that today a m gonna sleep like a log ahah plus it's raining so i d better stay home !! my dormitory is cool but i can t see very often my mates cause they have school as well and arubaito !!
well anyway that's it for today !!

2 octobre 2005

Here I am !! I start classes tomorrow !! I m so excited about it gosh !! I just can't wait !!.. the thing is I know once classes will have start I will say .. I WANT holidays !! ahaha !! but anyway I know I m gonna enjoy it !! tha'ts it !!
So I finnally got the internet in my room i m gonna be able to update my website with pictures cause there are a lot !! and i will post some interseting photos here but this is much more a coment place here !!
hummm I hope all the frenchies who know me don't mind about my talking english ahah it's just that many people couldn(t understand me if i d tald in french !! but u can post messages infrenc if u want i ll be glad :D
humm today i have no plan at all !! I really don't know what I'm gonna do !! I d like to go at the Ueno Zoo or at Shinjuku garden ! I don't know !!
okay guys i ll see ya later :D