21 novembre 2005

hiya !!!! i dunno why i m posting tonight cause actually i have my big kanji test tomorrow .... AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA it s gonna be awfull like... for example do u know the kanji for "takarakuji"??? i mean not the first one which is easy but... the second one "kuji" ahahahah well anyway it s gonna be scary i guess !! but i have a lot of lucky pendant with me so i hope i ll be fine !!!
Yesterday i had a party at my dorm it was really cool actually cause i cooked a french dish ahah and the funny things was like in fact i wanted to prepare something called in french "pain perdu" and i was trying to explain to the japanese people that this recipe is totally french and that people from abroad usually doesn't know about it ... ahaha so i was just saying that u have to cut the bread in large slices and then to prepare some kind of mixture with eggs milk and vanilla, then u put the bread in it and u just make roast it in a fry pan with some butter !! and after u put some sugar onit.... well anyway i was explaining that to the japanese and they were like " shitemasuuuu !!!!!" so i was like "nande"...... ahaha well actually this recipe is very famous abroad and it is called french toasts and i had absolutely no idea that everybody knows about it ahahaha so anyway it was the funny part !! and Tadauchi san was very nice cause she gave me ( and to stef as well cause she cooked a shepherd's pie :D delicious) a little present !! it s so kawaiiiiiiiiii !!! ( cute lol ) it s a lil bag !! i love it !!!
well anyway i should get back to study now cause i have so many kanji to rememeber !!!
so i ll see u guys later !!! :D

13 novembre 2005

and the week end is over again... i feel like time is passing so fast !! it's been too month in japan already and i feel like i arrived a week ago !! and tomorrow i have a kanji test as well as a big grammar test so i d better read over my lesson instead of posting a message lol but i just do a little break ! so on friday i have been to a very famous exhibition !!! it was the Hokusai exhibition at ueno park !! It was really amazing !! i saw the wave and the fuji san !! those pictures are really famous but i saw plenty of his works and actually i didn't know he was doing so many different things. for exemple he was painting flowers.. i realy didn't know about that !! any way i went there with two friends and we really enjoyed it !! but then we were very tired cause it was so crowded !! woooow you know what !! i m gonna do swimming pool in the campus ahaha nobody cares but i dont give a shit ahah i m really gonna enjoy it ! i already have the mizugi so i just have to buy googles and boshi for swimming pool lol !! well anyway this is a short post cause i really need to read my books now so i ll post later guys !! thanx for your coments they are always welcomed :D

5 novembre 2005

Hiya !!! me again !! i finnaly got my credit card back !! that's so great !!!! i was like freaking out cause i felt like i was gonna running out of money lol but now is daijobu !! so this week was crazy fun !! cause I have been to nikko with stef and david and me had a lot of fun !! we actually took some kind of rapid train to there that s why now i m broke lol !! but it worth it cause we did some kind of temples trip including the tokugawa temple !!! i was like a child in front of candies !! those temples were absolutely wonderful !!! Sugokatta ne !!!!!
anyway today i have been at the Ghibli museum !! Any fan of miyasaki know that museum and would like to go !! definitely !!! that's why i came there with friends from my dormitory, stef,sammy, seung jin, erica, and haruka! it was so great a took a lot pictures and i had a lot of fun :D but tomorrow i have to study !! cause in like 15 days there are the mid termes exams !!! aaaaaaaa and i have an oral prsentation on wednesday ! i hate that !! i prefer to practice japanese by talking with other japanese students or people at my dorm this is better !!!! okay so that's it for now !! lol more news later !!! see you guys :D